Green All Time Air Layer Hybrid Kagzi Lemon/Baramasi Fruit P..More




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Product Description

Kagzi Nimboo (Citrus aurantifolia) is a perennial evergreen tree belongs to family Rutaceae. The stem is irregularly slender branched and possesses short and stiff sharp spines or thorns 1 cm or less. Leaves are alternate, elliptical to oval.Kagzi lime (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle) belongs to. family Rutaceae, originated in India. It is commercially grown in tropical and subtropical region of India. Kagzi lime is the third most important fruit after Mandarin and Sweet orange and India ranks fifth among major lime producing countries.Kagzi nimbu is a variety of citrus fruit native to India. It is known for its tart flavor and high acidity, making it an ideal ingredient in many dishes. The plant itself is easy to grow and can be propagated from cuttings or seeds.Kagzi Lemon or Seedless lemon Plant are evergreen Fruit Plants. This plant was believed to be originated in sout east Asia. This plant has numerous benefits not only fruit its stems , roots leaves and flowers are used in medicinal

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Product Information

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Plant or Animal Product Type


Indoor/Outdoor Usage


Material Feature


Net Quantity

1.00 count

Expected Planting Period

All time

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